Thursday, January 10, 2013


Attention all OOMPAs...I am your Oompa Loompa choreographer! My name is Meggan De Jesus,
and I have a daughter in 7th grade (Bella – Veruca Salt) and a 4th and 1st grader as well.
I am going to work with you to choreograph the 3 Oompa Loompa numbers. 
There are a lot of OOMPAs – so I will need your full attention at rehearsals. Everyone will be featured!
If you feel you have strong dance “moves” – speak up! And, if you’re not comfortable dancing a lot,
let me know that too. I want to showcase your individual talents. 
I will be choosing 2 dance captains to assist me - there will be rehearsals where I will not be there. 
This is your time to shine! Everyone loves Oompa Loompas!
Here is your dance rehearsal schedule (if you have dance shoes – like jazz shoes or ballet shoes - 
bring them. If not, if you can dance in socks or tennis shoes):
 Monday 1/14 4:30-5:45
Tuesday 1/15 3:30-4:30
Wednesday 1/16 3:45-4:45
Thursday 1/17 3:45-5:45
Friday 1/18 3:45-5:45
Wednesday 1/23 – 3:45-5:45 (not a specific OOMPA rehearsal, but you are called.)
From 1/24 – the show you are called everyday from 3:45-5:45 PLEASE NOTE THESE CHANGES! Thanks!